"Jesus, Source of My Salvation"

Jesus on Cross
Jesus, Source of my salvation, Conqueror both of
death and hell, Thou Who didst, as my oblation,
Feel what I deserved to feel, Through Thy sufferings,
death and merit,I eternal life inherit:
Thousand, thousand thanks to Thee,Dearest Lord forever be.
Lord, Thy deep humiliation Has atoned
for all my pride;I need fear no condemnation,
Since for sinners Thou hast died.Thou becam'st a curse,
dear Saviour,To restore me to God's favor;
Thousand, thousand thanks to Thee, Dearest Lord forever be.
Lord, I'll praise Thee now and ever, Who for me wast
crucified; For Thy agony, dear Saviour
For Thy wounds and pierced side, For Thy love so tried,
unending, For Thy death, all deaths transcending.
For Thy death and love divine, Lord I'll be forever Thine.
Ernst Christoph Homburg (1659) Christoph Anton,c. (1642)
The hymn is in the Moravian Hymnal, and is played by the Moravian Band. It is usually played slower I believe.
I had a link to the music, but it has been removed.
Image courtesy of All Posters
I haven't visited recently so enjoyed all your posts, you are a wealth of wisdom. have a blessed week-end
Cathy, these words are wonderful. A true expression of our Savior's love for His own.
Thank you, Nancy. I've missed you. He gives us wisdom. :o)
I love the hymn, Maxine. The music, I think, is great with it too.
Personally it's an incredibly appealing post. I'd love to examine a bit more with regards to this subject matter.
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