Monday, September 29, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
"Meet Me There"
This is a pretty hymn written by Fanny Crosby. Many I know have lost loved ones lately. This is a beautiful and comforting video.
Visit Amy's for more music.
Posted by
12:25 AM
Labels: God, Heaven, Hymns, Then Sings My Soul Saturday
Friday, September 26, 2008
No Fear
Psalm 112:7
He shall not be afraid of evil tidings.
Christian, you ought not to dread the arrival of evil tidings; because if you are distressed by them, what do you more than other men? Other men have not your God to fly to; they have never proved His faithfulness as you have done, and it is no wonder if they are bowed down with alarm and cowed with fear: but you profess to be of another spirit; you have been begotten again unto a lively hope, and your heart lives in heaven and not on earthly things; now, if you are seen to be distracted as other men, what is the value of that grace which you profess to have received? Where is the dignity of that new nature which you claim to possess? Again, if you should be filled with alarm, as others are, you would, doubtless, be led into the sins so common to others under trying circumstances. The ungodly, when they are overtaken by evil tidings, rebel against God; they murmur, and think that God deals hardly with them. Will you fall into that same sin? Will you provoke the Lord as they do? Moreover, unconverted men often run to wrong means in order to escape from difficulties, and you will be sure to do the same if your mind yields to the present pressure. Trust in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him. Your wisest course is to do as Moses did at the Red Sea, "Stand still and see the salvation of God." For if you give way to fear when you hear of evil tidings, you will be unable to meet the trouble with that calm composure which nerves for duty, and sustains under adversity. How can you glorify God if you play the coward? Saints have often sung God's high praises in the fires, but will your doubting and desponding, as if you had none to help you, magnify the Most High? Then take courage, and relying in sure confidence upon the faithfulness of your covenant God, "let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."
Devotional by Charles Spurgeon
Posted by
12:20 AM
Labels: Devotional, Fear, God, Scripture
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
"God Of Our Fathers"
My friend, Maxine, posted this hymn the other day. I believe it is a wonderful prayer for this election campaign.

Painting of Sky Full of Stars
God of our fathers, whose almighty hand
Leads forth in beauty all the starry band.
Of shining worlds in splendor thru the skies,
Our grateful songs before Thy throne arise.

Thy love divine hath led us in the past,
In this free land by Thee our lot is cast;
Be Thou our Ruler, Guardian, Guide and Stay,
Thy Word our law, Thy paths our chosen way.

God's Daily Care
From war's alarms, from deadly pestilence,
Be Thy strong arm our ever sure defense;
Thy true religion in our hearts increase,
Thy bounteous goodness nourish us in peace.

Praise (Violin)
Refresh Thy people on their toilsome way,
Lead us from night to never ending day;
Fill all our lives with love and grace divine,
And glory, laud, and praise be ever Thine.
Words: Daniel C. Roberts
Music: George W. Warren 1876
You can listen to the music here.
Posted by
12:46 AM
Sunday, September 21, 2008
"Autumn Leaves" - Ferrante & Teicher
I was looking for some Autumn poetry for the first day of fall and happened to see this beautiful video on You-Tube. I love this old song. I have been sick, and I feel very chilly in the house. I am all wrapped up.
Posted by
11:27 PM
Saturday, September 20, 2008
"He's A Friend"

This is a Southern Gospel type song. I wrote it while working as a receptionist in a Retirement Village, where there were many lonely people.
Click here for the music.
He's A Friend
Shine his light in the darkness.
Let His love flow through you.
Jesus cares for the lonely and blue.
Share a smile filled with gladness.
Spread a word of good news.
There is one who is waiting for you.
He's a friend, true and faithful,
A friend by you side,
Speaking words that will lift spirits high.
God gives rest to the weary,
He gives strength to the weak,
Feeds the soul that is thirsty and dry.
Be a friend to the lonely,
Be a friend to the blue,
Lift them up to the Father in love.
Share a bouquet of flowers.
Spread a word of His truth.
Let the hope of the Lord
Shine through you
He's a friend, true and faithful,
A friend by your side,
Speaking words that will lift spirits high.
God gives rest to the weary,
He gives strength to the weak,
Feeds the soul that is thirsty and dryl
Jesus cares for His children.
Jesus cares for the lost.
Spread good news of the gospel to all.
He's a friend even closer
Than a brother to you,
For He loves you with His perfect love.
He's a friend, true and faithful
A friend by your side,
Speaking words that will lift spirits high.
God gives rest to the weary,
He gives strength to the weak,
Feeds the soul that is thirsty and dry.
Text and Music Cathy L. Simpson
© Copyright 1996 by Cathy L. Simpson
Be sure to visit Amy's for more music.
You can also visit my new music website Wordsong Collections.
Posted by
12:51 AM
Labels: Friends, Jesus, Love, Songs, Then Sings My Soul Saturday
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Links to Share
My neighbor's rare "Peppermint Twist" Crepe Myrtle, blooming again ~
My friend,Patricia, is an excellent photographer, and I was impressed with her lovely pictures in her Dusk to Dawn post.
Watch this personal message from an Iraqi Veteran for Obama, posted by my friend Barb.
And I thought this post was so adorable.
Jewel's Eyes of Wonder blog is beautiful. Be sure to scroll down and see the pictures of her children. Near the end, there is a neat slideshow "that the Tennessean did of Vicki and the girls." It is so refreshing to see folks living like that these days.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
An unlikely musical genius

Jazz Duet, Piano
As a musician, I thoroughly enjoyed these videos about a young man who is an autistic musical genius. I watched them all in a row and thought they were fascinating. I know my music lover friends will enjoy them, and you can also learn a lot about autism.
Go here to Kim Komando's newsletter to view the videos.
Image courtesy of All Posters
Posted by
12:15 AM
Labels: Videos
Saturday, September 13, 2008
"There Is A Redeemer"
Years ago I heard this song while traveling in the car. I was very touched by how beautiful it was. I love Keith Green's music. I did not realize his wife, Melody, wrote this song. Some of you may not know that Keith was killed in a plane crash in 1982.
Be sure to visit Amy's to enjoy more videos.
Posted by
12:41 AM
Labels: God, Jesus, Songs, Then Sings My Soul Saturday, Videos
Friday, September 12, 2008
Fear Not
Psalm 91:5
Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night.
What is this terror? It may be the cry of fire, or the noise of thieves, or fancied appearances, or the shriek of sudden sickness or death. We live in the world of death and sorrow, we may therefore look for ills as well in the night-watches as beneath the glare of he broiling sun. Nor should this alarm us, for be the terror what it may, the promise is that the believer shall not be afraid. Why should he? Let us put it more closely, why should we? God our Father is here, and will be here all through the lonely hours; He is an almighty Watcher, a sleepless Guardian, a faithful Friend. Nothing can happen without His direction, for even hell itself is under His control. Darkness is not dark to Him. He has promised to be a wall of fire around His people-and who can break through such a barrier? Worldlings may well be afraid, for they have an angry God above them, a guilty conscience within them, and a yawning hell beneath them; but we who rest in Jesus are saved from all these through rich mercy. If we give way to foolish fear we shall dishonour our profession, and lead others to doubt the reality of godliness. We ought to be afraid of being afraid, lest we should vex the Holy Spirit by foolish distrust. Down, then, ye dismal forebodings and groundless apprehensions, God has not forgotten to be gracious, nor shut up His tender mercies, it may be night in the soul, but there need be no terror, for the God of love changes not. Children of light may walk in darkness, but they are not therefore cast away, nay, they are now enabled to prove their adoption by trusting in their heavenly Father as hypocrites cannot do.
Devotional by Charles Spurgeon
Posted by
12:52 AM
Labels: Devotional, Fear, God
Thursday, September 11, 2008
"Remember September 11, 2001"

World Trade Center Collage
There is a great video here in Kim Komando's Newsletter.
Image courtesy of All Posters
Posted by
1:45 PM
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
A Few Links

Blue and Black Butterfly on Lavender Flowers, Sammamish, Washington, USA
An interesting video ~ Chimp vs. Human
Something reminded me of this lovely hymn today ~ Jesus, The Very Thought Of Thee
Sally's Blue Monday ~ Window To My World ~ I enjoyed all the Blue Monday posts.
Today's Reminders ~ This is something I found in Kim Komando's Newsletter, if you use Firefox.
Image courtesy of All Posters
Saturday, September 6, 2008
There is a Balm in Gilead
I found this on You-Tube and thought it was so pretty. I know many people are hurting. This is an African-American spiritual, and you can find the Words and Music here. The scenery is gorgeous and the singer's voice, lovely.
Be sure to visit Amy here for more music.
Posted by
1:00 AM
Labels: Healing, Jesus, Then Sings My Soul Saturday, Videos
Friday, September 5, 2008
A Little Scenery
Since I don't know what to post about right now, I thought I would share some pictures I have taken.
In front of my porch ~ I should have waited until fall, because dry weather and the heat ruined my flowers.
Flowers in my neighbor's yard ~ The red one is for hummingbirds that finally came around.
Little stray cat visiting on my side porch. Just recently he is letting me pet him.
More pretty flowers in my neighbor's yard ~ I don't know what they are.
Very pretty blooms ~ If you click on them, you can see how unique they are.
Thank you for looking at me pictures.
Posted by
1:57 AM
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
The Only Begotten
John 1:14
The only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.
Believer, YOU can bear your testimony that Christ is the only begotten of the Father, as well as the first begotten from the dead. You can say, "He is divine to me, if He be human to all the world beside. He has done that for me which none but a God could do. He has subdued my stubborn will, melted a heart of adamant, opened gates of brass, and snapped bars of iron." "He hath turned for me my mourning into laughter, and my desolation into joy; He hath led my captivity captive, and made my heart rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory. Let others think as they will of Him, to me He must be the only begotten of the Father: blessed be His name." "And He is full of grace. Ah! had He not been I should never have been saved. He drew me when I struggled to escape from His grace; and when at last I came all trembling like a condemned culprit to His mercy-seat He said, 'Thy sins which are many are all forgiven thee: be of good cheer.'" "And He is full of truth. True have His promises been, not one has failed. I bear witness that never servant had such a master as I have; never brother such a kinsman as He has been to me; never spouse such a husband as Christ has been to my soul; never sinner a better Saviour; never mourner a better comforter than Christ hath been to my spirit. I want none beside Him." "In life He is my life, and in death He shall be the death of death; in poverty Christ is my riches; in sickness He makes my bed; in darkness He is my star, and in brightness He is my sun; He is the manna of the camp in the wilderness, and He shall be the new corn of the host when they come to Canaan." "Jesus is to me all grace and no wrath, all truth and no falsehood: and of truth and grace He is full, infinitely full." "My soul, this night, bless with all thy might 'the only Begotten.'"
Devotional by Charles Spurgeon
Posted by
1:21 AM