Thursday, January 29, 2009

Cold Weather

A view of a snow-covered bridge in the woods by Richard Nowitz
A view of a snow-covered bridge in the woods

Psalm 147: 16, 17
He giveth snow like wool: he scattereth the hoarfrost like ashes. He casteth forth his ice like morsels: who can stand before his cold?

I often think of this verse when is is very cold outside. I am grateful we do not get too much snow and ice down here. And I hope I am not speaking too soon.


Deborah said...

I think we've had more cold days this winter than ever...and by cold I mean bare skin can freeze in 2 minutes! Which is why Saija has such a lovely winter outfit!
I'm so ready for spring,,,but then I'm ready for spring every year!

SmilingSally said...

I couldn't take the cold. Thanks for sharing.

Betty said...

Thanks for dropping by...I hope to be back soon....

I agree with the rendering of the plane on the Hudson....


Cherdecor said...

I love your picture and verse. In January and February I wish I lived a little further south. Enjoy your day!

WV: our edn
The place where you live in the south. =)

Adrienne said...

Hi, Cathy -
Just stopping by to catch up with you after a few days away with no internet access. I missed visiting you.

Thank you for this verse today. What a treasure!

Cathy said...

Deborah, I don't know how you all stand the cold!

Sally, You are blessed to have warm weather.

Betty, Thanks for dropping by.

Cheryl, Thank you, I'm in North Carolina.

Thanks, Adrienne, I know how busy you have been.

Barbara said...

The picture is beautiful. I think snow is one of the prettiest things the Lord gives us. I love it, but we don't have very much.

Cathy said...

Thank you for the comment, Barb. I guess I need an attitude adjustment concerning the snow. I know when I was in for a few days when it snowed, I wrote a pretty instrumental, Snowfall.