Saturday, September 12, 2009

Women Of Faith - In The Arms Of His Love

Visit Amy at Signs, Miracles and Wonders for more Then Sings My Soul Saturday videos.


Denise said...

Such a beautiful, and comforting song my friend.

Karen said...

What a beautiful song! No other place I'd rather be....

Peggy said...

Blessings Cathy...May you find love & rest in the arms of Jesus & His Comfort today!

Beautiful choice of YouTube with Women of Faith! I love this song!
Thank you for the peaceful choice. Thank You for bringing His love to me with your many visits & sharing music with me! You are a blessing! Music is medicine to my migraine... or is it caffeine withdrawal? (lol)

Praying you have a blessed weekend & enJOY TSMSS!

Cherdecor said...

That is a beautiful and comforting song. Have a blessed Sunday tomorrow and enjoy the day.

LivingforGod said...

Beautiful, peaceful song! Thanks for sharing this, Cathy! We can always find rest in our Savior's arms.

Saija said...

blessings on you & the encouragement you share!!!

Lisa notes... said...

"There's sweet quietness" - I needed to hear that. Thanks for sharing this song. Very pretty.

Debra Kaye said...

Oh my sweet friend...this is such a great and comforting truth!

Hope you have had a blessed Sunday.