A Christmas Potpourri

Christmas Angel Carrying an Armful of Ornamental Foliage
Download some pretty Christmas wallpaper at Revive Our Hearts.
Kelli has a lovely new issue of Seasonal Delights magazine.
A homeschooling family produces a new movie ~ Noelle.
See Deby's post about all the "Holiday" advertising ~ Merry Tossmas.
Enjoy Margi Harrell playing The 12 Days of Christmas.
Image courtesy of All Posters
Just wanted to say hello & as usual your post is beautiful...
Thank you, Nancy, and hello to you too, Dear. :o)Hope the little babies are doing well.
i am just loving all these Christmas pictures, posts and recommends....thanks Cathy.
You're welcome, Deby, I'm glad you enjoyed it. And thank YOU for the neat post! :o)
I like the Kenny Rogers & Wynonna Judd song. It's hard to imagine what Mary was thinking when she held that baby.
I love your verse for the day today. That's a day I can't wait for!
I'm glad you were blessed, Terri. Yes, we are supposed to be ready and looking up. :o)
Hi Cathy,
Just wanted to say thank you for visiting my blog and posting five things you're thankful for. I love your blog and your heart for the Lord!
As soon as I catch up on all the entries I'll be drawing a winner... hopefully later today! Good thing Thanksgiving is not only for November!
Blessings to you my friend...
Karla, Thank you for your kind word and for your visit. :o) You know, my little Christmas tree is missing my favorite pretty little decorations of yours ~ the Bible and Dove! I wonder where they are! Also, I need to find your pretty Christmas book to put out. :o)
Hi Cathy,
I enjoyed your Christmas Potpourri...
thanks for posting them...
You're welcome, Mimi, I'm glad you enjoyed them. :o) I've been thinking of you and hope all is well.
Thank you for sharing my link, Cathy. That was very sweet of you!
You are certainly welcome, dear, Kelli. It is a lovely magazine. Blessings and hugs ~
Thanks for the sweet tips! I received the latest Seasonal Delights magazine a couple of weeks ago, and as always, it was, well, a delight! And I followed your link and got some pretty Christmas wallpaper.
Thanks for sharing this "Christmas Potpourri!"
You're welcome, Beka. Kelli's magazine is really beautiful. Most of us know about it, but some others may not. And it would also be a nice gift. I love my Christmas desktop scene now! :o)
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